Hello world!

Welcome to WordPress. This is your first post. Edit or delete it, then start blogging!

OK, so I know that is the text of the default initial WordPress entry, but there is something appropriate about it in this case – it is actually me saying hello to the world.

This is a website I wanted to set up as a repository of collective wisdom. I work in IT – but as I find is common among IT pro’s, when it comes to IT hardware, software and practices, what we do at work and what we do at home are slowly meeting. Maybe it’s smaller scale, with fewer users, and certainly much less in the budget, but we like to make our home IT work better.

For me – I have a VM server. I have NAS storage, I have reasonable cabling and a distributed managed wireless system – at home! Yes, this site is hosted on a linux distro, not an IIS instance, but that’s in a VM server, with remote management, I have firewalls, and I’m wanting to build VPN tunnels, remote storage, internal DNS, and use 802.1x/RADIUS for my WiFi. I know it’s not necessary – but it is much better practice. We do these things in our work in the corporate world – why not at home?

My aim with this site is to facilitate and make this more possible. As I embark on making these changes for myself, I’ll comment on what works, what doesn’t, and what I think during the issues I’ll undoubtedly experience on the way. If someone finds this useful, if a screenshot helps someone (at home or at work), if an idea sparks something bigger, I’d love to know.

So – hello world!
