

The Enterprise Home is intended as a resource, a repository, a community, a diary, and an experiment. All rolled into one.

I am an IT Professional. I don’t mean that to scare people off – I don’t speak binary as a first language – I just mean that I work (and often live) in an IT-dominated world, and I contribute, maintain, and assist that world. as a bonus, I get paid to do so! I am writing this mainly for those of you who, like me, work alongside (and sometimes in) computing networks, infrastructure, and the virtually networked world. I assume you know some of what I am saying, and are bright enough (or at least interested enough) to research, investigate and ask about what you don’t.

At home, I don’t have the budget, energy, and manpower to achieve all that runs in an enterprise setup such as is found at my work (or indeed many workplaces). Instead, I experiment in other ways of doing something similarly useful, for a smaller number of users, for a significantly reduced cost.

Please, feel free to join in the discussion, read what I have submitted, provide (helpful) thoughts of your own, and if something helps, let me know!

Again, welcome


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